Friday, August 22, 2008

Getting the Big Picture

I wanted to name this "The Big Picture", but that would be too pretentious. I am unqualified for that topic. It's really a stretch to name it "Getting the Big Picture", but (although I haven't arrived) I am on that journey.

I have only recently discovered how overwhelmingly important the big picture is in every aspect of life. I have been aware of some of the narrower facets of the big picture--looking farther ahead rather than closer when driving, scanning the table of contents before starting most books, trying to listen before starting a conversation. (I don't think that is paradoxical.) What has struck me is how pervasive this need is, especially for me. If there is such a thing as perspective deficit, I must have it.

Therefore, my purpose here is to chronicle, muse, puzzle over, and wonder (note the "o") about my own process of learning about
getting the big picture.