Sunday, September 13, 2009

Just Read

I just read a marvelous little book by David Gregory, entitled Dinner with a Perfect Stranger. It’s the imaginary account of a businessman who receives and invitation to a nice restaurant to share a meal with Jesus of Nazareth. While the style of the story is somewhat akin to Twilight Zone, the reality and freshness ring true-to-life. Of course, that would usually apply to Twilight Zone, as well.


I hereby promise that I, Terry Purtell, will henceforth write and publish a new post for this blog at least once per annum. You may take that for a warning, if you wish.


Anonymous said...

Okay Nolan, We are going to hold you to this. We really are looking forward to getting the big picture.

Carrie said...

Good thing I didn't hold my breath. Wouldn't you have been sad if I was dead???