Friday, August 22, 2008

Getting the Big Picture

I wanted to name this "The Big Picture", but that would be too pretentious. I am unqualified for that topic. It's really a stretch to name it "Getting the Big Picture", but (although I haven't arrived) I am on that journey.

I have only recently discovered how overwhelmingly important the big picture is in every aspect of life. I have been aware of some of the narrower facets of the big picture--looking farther ahead rather than closer when driving, scanning the table of contents before starting most books, trying to listen before starting a conversation. (I don't think that is paradoxical.) What has struck me is how pervasive this need is, especially for me. If there is such a thing as perspective deficit, I must have it.

Therefore, my purpose here is to chronicle, muse, puzzle over, and wonder (note the "o") about my own process of learning about
getting the big picture.


Carrie said...

Yippeeeeee Yahooooo I'm excited you have a blog now! I'll have to add a link to here on my blog.

And HOORAY for getting the job!! We are very excited and happy for you. God is good!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

hi Nolan. So glad to see your blog. I see that you have a job now. So what kind of job is it? KEN

Carrie said...

I keep checking and you haven't posted anything new! Waaaaaaahhh!!!!

Becka said...

Has the big picture gotten any bigger? Or is it destined to always be this small?

Anonymous said...

I am theorizing that the big picture has not been expanding as the former theory would have had us believe. I suppose that maybe it is in a dormant stage such as some volcanoes, but am hoping it becomes more active.

Carrie said...

YOO HOOOOOO!! Is this thing on?

Terry and Patty said...

This ain't no picture. What's up

Carrie said...

Where did you go???

Anonymous said...

Nolan, are you in there? We seem to have lost contact with the mother ship. We are all sitting here waiting for words of wisdom, or just some words at all. Please blog soon. We are all anticipating like in the ketchup commercial.

Carrie said...

Am I going to have to form a search party?

Terry and Patty said...

this is not fair you guys. This man post one blogpost and gets all these comments. I never had this many on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Will the person who took dear Nolan please return him so we may read more of his words of wisdom

Becka said...

This is the smallest picture I have ever seen. I am disappointed in the Universe.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm. this was originally posted on my birthday Nolan. are you waiting for my next birthday to add to the picture? I hope not. Many are waiting for words of wisdom. Please post again, SOOOOOON.

Dustan and Becka said...

This is the funniest blog I have ever read. I wonder if it will ever get funnier?

verification word: dumpses (which is a four year old word for dumps. Which is what Has happened to us. We have been dumped)

Anonymous said...

Oh my, it is going on almost one year since the one and only post on "Getting the Big Picture". I am saddened because if it goes until the 22nd of August it will be one year, and I will be another year older. Maybe Nolan is waiting until my 50th birthday to let me in on the big picture. Maybe he is just tantalizing all of us who search after the wisdom of our elders. I am not sure. Oh well, I guess I'll save more for my next visit here. KEN